Shipping Information

How much is shipping?

Shipping differs based on your location. Once shipping address is entered the shipping cost will be calculated.

How long is shipping?

All items have an expected delivery time of 7-14 business days.

Will I have to pay duties and VAT charges?

Any customs charges are applied at the discretion of the carrier and local laws and all customs charges will be payable by the customer and will not be covered by MarmiteAndToastie.

We recommend getting in touch with your local customs office so you’re not surprised if there are any unexpected delivery charges at your end.

Return Policy

Can I return an item?

Should you find yourself dissatisfied with your purchase, we are pleased to offer a 30 day guarantee.

Your refund will be initiated upon our receipt of the returned items, as long as they are returned within 30 days from the date of your order's receipt.

Simply email us at enquiries@marmiteandtoastie.com.


How do I receive a refund?

Please take a look at our Return Policy which will explain the steps to take in order to receive a refund.

How long does a refund take to process?

Your refund will be processed once we receive your product. Typically, it takes approximately 4-10 business days for the refunded amount to be deposited into your bank account.

If you haven't received your refund within 14 business days, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance!

Insufficient address - Will I still receive a refund?

If you provided an insufficient address - e.g. you did not provide us with an house/apartment number for your order to be delivered, we cannot offer a refund.

Once your order is placed you have 1 hour to email us and amend your address if you provided the wrong one! :)

Can't find the answer you need?

Email us your question at enquiries@marmiteandtoastie.com and we will get back to you ASAP!